Monday, April 21, 2008

Sample Codes---Part 2

4) Get Client id of any control using javascript method

Following are conditions to get client ID of respective .net control
1) Container of that control should have some ID defined like if in 'td' then td id='someid'.
2) You should know about the TagName of that respective control when it renders on browser. i.e. asp:textbox control becomes INPUT, asp:Label becomes SPAN, etc

Thats it ...... now use the underlying methods to access the client id of respective .net control clientside... enjoy

function getId(ctrlId)
return document.getElementById(ctrlId);

function getElementsByTag(control,tagName)
return control.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
function getClientId(containerId,controlId, tagName)

var returnId=null;
var ctlContainer = getId(containerId);
if(null != ctlContainer)
var elements = getElementsByTag(ctlContainer,tagName)
if (elements[i].id.length > 0)
tmp = elements[i].id.split('_');
id = tmp[tmp.length-1];
returnId = elements[i].id;
return returnId;

1 comment:

Vinit said...

Good job, buddy. Keep it up!